- Oral Health and General Health Powerpoint (pdf)
Access to Oral Health Care
- Canadian Dental Connection
- Staying ahead of the curve: A unified oral public health program for Ontario?
- Access and Care: Towards a National Oral Health Strategy (Presentations and Reports from Symposium)
- A Report of the Toronto Dental Coalition (2001)
- Family Dental Health Scrapbook (2004). Personal stories about accessing dental care and suggestions for advocacy and policy
- The story of Jason Jones – Toronto Star videos and articles on access to dental care
- Access to Care Fund, University of Toronto Video
- Resolutions on access to care and other topics can be found on Association of Local Public Health Agencies (alPHa) website
- Canada’s Oral Health Report Card: A call to action by the CDHA
- Putting Our Money Where Our Mouth is: The Future of Dental Care in Canada. April 1, 2011, Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives
- Declaration for Oral Health for Children, World Federation of Public Health Associations (WFPHA) Declaration, May, 2013
- Oral Health Care for Children, Canadian Paediatric Society Position Statement, January 2013
- CDA- The State of Oral Health in Canada
Indigenous Health
- Children’s Oral Health Initiative (COHI)
- Canadian Pediatric Society Article on ECC in Indigenous Communities
- AAP Position Statement on ECC in Indigenous Communities
- AAP Article on ECC in Indigenous Communities
- Healthy Teeth, Healthy Lives: Inuit Oral Health Action Plan 2013
- Fact sheets on oral health. Developed by the National Collaborating Centre for Aboriginal Health (NCCAH).
- American Association of Public Health Dentistry
- Canadian Academy of Pediatric Dentistry
- Canadian Dental Assistants Association
- Canadian Dental Association
- Canadian Dental Hygienists Association
- Canadian Denturists Association
- Canadian Public Health Association
- Ontario Association of Public Health Dentistry
Early Childhood Caries
Evidence Based Practice
- Center for Evidence Based Dentistry
- Center for Health Evidence
- The Cochrane Collaboration
- Canadian Best Practice Portal
- US National Library of Medicine (Medline)
- Protocols for School-based Sealant, Toothbrushing and Fluoride Varnish Programs English French
- Community-based Dental health Programs, Options for Your Community English French
- Quick Reference Guide of Community Based Dental Health Programs English French
- Summary Table of References and Background Readings English French
- 2018 CADTH Health Technology Assessment on water fluoridation
CWF Ethical Report
CWF Implementation Report
CWF Budget Impact Analysis Report
CWF Clinical Report
CWF Environmental Report
Ethical Considerations of Community Water Fluoridation, December 18, 2018 (French) - Community Water Fluoridation Repository and discussion board (access provided to CAPHD members)
- Chief Public Health Officer of Canada Message on Water Fluoridation (English)
- Chief Public Health Officer of Canada Message on Water Fluoridation (French)
- CAPHD recommends community water fluoridation
- Findings and Recommendations of the Fluoride Expert Panel (Health Canada 2007)
- Fluoride and Health (Health Canada 2010)
- University of York- Systematic Review on Water Fluoridation
- Center of Disease Control and Prevention: Community Water Fluoridation
- Association of Local Public Health Agencies (alPHa) press release and fact sheet supporting community water fluoridation
- Public Health: a Return on Investment. A video developed by CPHA that includes ROI for water fluoridation.
- Fluoridation and your Health
General Oral Health
- Oral Health Information
- Free publication available to order: “Smile: Healthy Teeth, Healthy Body” (Health Canada, 2009)
- Oral Health and Pregnancy
- Oral Health and Seniors
- Office of the Chief Dental Officer of Canada
- Public Health Agency of Canada
- World Health Organization- Oral Health
- Statistics Canada
- Canadian Institute for Health Information (CIHI)
- First Nation Inuit Health Branch – Health Canada
- National Aboriginal Health Organization
Health Promotion
Infection Control in Dentistry
M.Sc./Dental Specialty Program: Dental Public Health In Canada
Oral Health Surveys
Oral Health Needs Assessment Tool Kit for Conducting Oral Health Surveys
Checklist for Development and Implementation of an Oral Health Survey WHO Oral Health Surveys 5th Edition
- Calibration Overview English French
- Development and Implementation of an Oral Health Survey English French
Attachment Loss
- Attachment Loss and Probing Score English French
- Prevalence and Severity of Attachment Loss by Highest Score English French
- Prevalence and Severity of Periodontal Pockets by Highest Score English French
- Attachment Loss and Probing Section of Manual English French
- Attachment Loss Presentation English French
Occulsal Conditions
- Occulsal Status English French
- Prevalence of less Than Acceptable Occulsion amoung 12-59 English French
- Occulsal Status Section of Manual English French
- Occulsal Conditions Presentation English French
Count of Tooth Surfaces with Amalgam
- Count of Tooth Surfaces with Amalgam English French
- Count of Tooth Surfaces with Amalgam Section of Manual English French
- Count of Tooth Surfaces Presentation English French
Debris and Calculus
- Debris and Calculus Indices English French
- Percentage of Participants for Debris and Calculus by Highest Score English French
- Debris and Calculus Indices Section of Manual English French
- Debris and Calculus Indices Presentation English French
Dentate Status
- Dentate Status English French
- Edentulism English French
- Dentate Status Section of Manual English French
- Dentate Status Presentation English French
- Fluorosis Deans Index English French
- Prevalence and Severity of Fluorosis English French
- Fluorosis Deans Index Section of Manual English French
- Fluorosis Deans Index Presentation English French
Gingival Index
- Gingival Index English French
- Prevalence of Participants with Gingivitis by Highest Score English French
- Gingival Index Section of Manual English French
- Gingival Index Presentation English French
Mucosal Status
- Mucosal Status English French
- Prevalence of Soft Tissue Lesions by Type English French
- Mucosal Status Section of Manual English French
Orthodontic Treatment Status
- Orthodontic Treatment Status English French
- Prevalence of Receiving Orthodontic Treatment Currently or in the Past English French
- Orthodontic Section of Manual English French
Prosthetic Status and Prosthetic Treatment Needs
- Prosthetic Status and Prosthetic Treatment Needs English French
- Prosthetic Status Section of Manual English French
- Prostheic Status Presentation English French
Tooth Status
- Prevalence and mean number of dental sealants English French
- Prevalence and severity of coronal caries English French
- Prevalence and severity of dental caries in permanent teeth English French
- Prevalence and severity of dental caries in primary teeth and permanent teeth English French
- Prevalence and severity of dental caries in primary teeth English French
- Prevalence and severity of root caries English French
- Prevalence of untreated decay English French
- Tooth Status Chart English French
- Tooth Status Manual English French
- Tooth Status Chart Presentation English French
Qualitative: Bleeding Gums and Brushing and Flossing
- Bleeding Gums English French
- Frequency of Brushing and Flossing English French
- Percent of persons Brushing Two Times per Day or More English French
- Percent of Persons Flossing at least Five Times per Week English French
Qualitative: General Health, Dry Mouth, Pain, Absence of Work, Time Away From Work
- General Health Satisfaction of the Mouth English French
- Mean # of Hours per Person Lost From Normal Activities English French
- Persistent Dry Mouth or Bad Breath English French
- Persistent ongoing pain English French
- Prevalence of Persons Reporting Persistent Pain English French
- Prevalence of Persons Reporting Time Lost From Normal Activities English French
- Time Away From Work English French
- Prevalence of Self Reported Fair or Poor Oral Health English French
Qualitative: Insurance, Frequency of Visits, Frequency and Percentage of Persons Seeing a Dental Professional
- Dental Insurance Coverage English French
- Frequency of Seeing a Dental Professional English French
- Percentage of Persons Reporting Usually Visiting at Least Once Per Year for a Check-up English French
- Prevalence of Dental Insurance by Tupe and Selected Characteristics English French
Qualitative: Discomfort, Prevalence of Avoiding Certain Foods, Cost, Percentage of not Getting Dental Care due to Cost
- Comfort, Avoidance with Eating Food English French
- Cost Issues Related to Dental Care English French
- Percentage of Persons Avoiding Visiting a Dental Professional Because of Costs English French
- Percentage of Persons Reporting Declining Recommended Care Because of Costs English French
- Prevalence of Persons Reporting avoiding Food English French
School-age children
Seniors and Long-term Care Residents
- Registered Nurses Association of Ontario-Oral Health Assessment and Interventions Best Practice Guidelines
- Alberta Seniors Report
- Oral Health of Seniors Project: CHSRF Final Report
- Oral Health Results of the Canadian Health Measures Survey for Adults Aged 60-79
- Oral Health Status of SK LTC Residents: An Evaluation Following the Implementation of the Better Oral Health in LTC Program
Social Determinants of Health
- What Determines Health (PHAC)
- World Health Organization Commission on the Social Determinants of Health including fact files, videos, reports and information
- York University’s Listserv on the Social Determinants of health